
After almost 20 years in the corporate and media spaces, Agency Seven Seven was born from a desire to provided specialized professional services to small and medium sized businesses and startups, as well as do more to help creatives and artistic individuals manage their brands and intellectual property. SMEs and Creatives, just as much as large corporations, need to manage their strategy, financial capital growth, and operating costs. Individuals with worldwide fame like Beyonce Knowles, Kanye West and Kylie Jenner are $1 billion entities not just based on their artistic capabilities. There is a machinery that exists behind the scenes.

Agency Seven Seven is that machine that will work side-by-side with business owners and those in the creative space to grow their brands, careers and personal wealth by focusing on the back-end / operational matters. We bring to the table a wealth of experience in corporate communications, brand management, legal and company secretarial.

The Agency Seven Seven team also has a unique blend of skills in growth strategies, bookkeeping, and financial management as well as a deep knowledge of the West African region and the Ghanaian market.

Why Choose Us?



We know you are good at what you do. We are experts in our field. We provide you with the contractual and other support to leave you free to create and have fun in your chosen field.



We have a young, dynamic and fun team who are great at what they do and work hard for you. No unnecessary jargon or legalese, we work with you to protect your interests and achieve your goals.



We work for you. We believe in what you produce and have your best interests at heart in all we do.



We think creatively, just as you do. We understand your field and find innovative ways to solve problems.



We do what we say we will and we guarantee fast, effective results. If there is something we cannot achieve, we let you know.



We are the wind beneath your wings. We use our expertise, connections and professionalism to grow your brand.
