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Is there a sign-up fee for Influencers?

No. It is absolutely FREE for an influencer to sign up for our services. We will promote you on our platforms, negotiate and draw up contracts on your behalf as well as provide strategic communications and other guidance, if required. As regards influencers, we operate on a no-win, no-fee basis. We take a small percentage as commission on any work we win for you, and we handle all the administration. You can’t lose!

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, we do. We believe the services we offer are essential to the profitability of every business venture, whether freelance or corporate. We therefore offer flexible payment plans to our clients. Come and talk to us today to find out what plan we can offer you.

What are Company Secretarial Services and why are they important?

Company Secretarial Services are services like registration of a company at the Registrar-General’s Department, advice on which type of company is more appropriate for your business (if at all), filing of annual returns, etc. You can engage us for a one-off service or work with us on an ongoing, retainer basis. We are happy to discuss your needs with you. Please send an email or visit us at our offices in Nyaneba, Ako-Adjei Park.

What is Intellectual Property?

Intellectual Property (“IP”) refers to creations of the mind. Examples of this are literary and artistic works (such as books, poems, movies, drawings, music etc.), inventions, designs (for e.g. an original print on fabric), symbols, and names and images used by commercial organisations. Law – usually via patents, trademarks, copyright and trade secrets, protects intellectual property. This allows the inventors or creators of the relevant IP item to potentially make money from selling/licensing it, as well as to be recognised as the creator of it. IP is a form of intangible property, but can nevertheless be a very valuable form of asset or property.

You may be surprised to hear that you do not. You are entitled to be recognised as the owner of an original piece of work created by you, and entitled to protection under the copyright laws of Ghana even if you have NOT registered the work (section 39 (4), Copyright Act 2005 (Act 690)). However, and this is an important caveat, copyright registration is a good way to provide prima facie (basically, “initial”) evidence that you are indeed the owner and/or creator of that work.

What are some of the different forms of Intellectual Property protection available in Ghana?

You can register an industrial design (for e.g., a particular, unique fabric print created by or for you or your company). Industrial design registration is managed by the Registrar-General’s Department of Ghana under the terms of the Industrial Designs Act, 2003, (Act 660).

You can register a patent, giving you the rights to exploit and lay claim to the benefits of an original invention. The Patents Act, 2003 (Act 657) and the Patents Regulations 1996 (L.I. 1616) constitute the legislative framework for the grant and protection of patents in Ghana. The Patents Office of the Registrar General's Department is the issuing office of a patent in Ghana.

You can register a trademark (an example being a company logo). Registrations are done at the Registrar-General’s Department of Ghana under the terms of the Trade Marks Act, 2004 (Act 664), and the Trade Marks Regulations 1970 (L.I. 667)

You can register a copyright to a creative work such as an original photograph, piece of writing, film etc with the Copyright Office of Ghana under the terms of the Copyright Act 2005 (Act 690). You can also register your rights to music (both the words and the musical arrangement) with GHAMRO, or the Ghana Music Rights Organisation.
